Thursday, September 10, 2015

One handed programming and other things you didn't expect to read about in this blog

Hello all,

It's really been a while since I updated this blog. I've been dealing with difficulties balancing the work demands of writing editorials in topcoder and etc.

Tomorrow we have a new SRM, 667. It's going to be a very special SRM for me although not for happy reasons. You see; last September 1st a car hit me and I got a shoulder fracture. It was described as a lucky outcome and it seems like conservative therapy that consists of immobilization and waiting for the bone to heal on its own is the best approach. As a result, tomorrow I will only use one hand, my left hand (I am right-handed) in tomorrow's SRM. Let's see what happens.

Of course my real concern is about how it will affect my performance writing the editorial. As of late and after finally dealing with the old delayed problems that stacked up since last year. I've been really trying to get the editorials back to their former quick publishing glory. It kinda worked with 666's editorial. But of course the issue at hand might slow me down. I am optimistic, however. I was able to solve and write the editorial for the TopCoder Open round 2D after the accident. I just needed longer breaks after each problem.

In happier news: I have recently started a Patreon . It's focusing on my computer art and twitter anti spam work. I wonder if I can expand it for explanations of algorithmic problems? Maybe.

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